Tree Selection And Siting In The High Desert Of The Front Range

Trees — we love them, we need them, they are the backbone of a landscape, and they are a part of the solution to global warming. They are also VERY challenging to establish in our high desert climate, and can be the most expensive items we plant.

How, then, do we go about making good decisions when planting trees?

First and foremost, we need to study the site, and envision the future.

Plopping in a tree that we purchased as an impulse, into a site that has not been evaluated, is not a good recipe for long-term success. Too close to the house, under power lines, in a micro-climate that is not conducive — all very common, and a recipe for failure or for very poor growth.

What purpose will the tree serve? Is it meant to shade? As a windbreak? As a focal point of a landscape? For fruit? Important considerations all, if you are to select the right tree.

Is the tree drought tolerant? How fast does it grow? Does it handle alkaline soils? Will it be too exposed?

So many things to consider!

The best selection for any given site will be something that is adapted to our climate (which has been especially rough on trees the last 18 months), something that is sturdy, and that does not require conditions which we cannot easily provide here in Colorado. Siting is important. A poorly placed tree might provide very little summer shade, but very deep shade on a walkway or porch in the winter, causing ice to linger. A poorly placed tree might be exposed to our prevailing winds and become dessicated before it can become established. A poorly sited tree may need to be cut down just as it comes to maturity, because it presents a danger to homes or power lines.

Evaluate your site before planting or selecting a tree. What is the soil like? Does it hold water? How much sun does it get? Is it a safe distance from home and power lines? Does it provide room for a tree to reach maturity? Will it smother the rest of the yard someday?

Trees are worth planting. They really are. But they are an investment of time and love, so make sure you think through carefully the whole life of the tree, and its needs, to insure you plant a legacy that outlives you and brings you joy along the way!