Spring is coming early this year.
Long-term weather forecasts indicate that the next few months will be above average in temperature. Cool-season grasses are already waking up here on the Front Range.
Healthy turf areas will have a few things in common: Deep roots, good soil structure, proper nutrient and water management.
Despite our heavy snow not that long ago, the warm and windy weather is rapidly wicking our precious moisture away. It is probably too early to start your sprinklers, but probably not a bad idea to begin watering the lawn with a hose and sprinkler. Early Spring is a critical time for lawn development. If the lawn is not healthy at this time, weeds will get an early start. In this unseasonably warm weather, a deep soak is good for the lawn..... maybe every couple of weeks, depending on your particular location, and soil structure.
Lawns struggle without additional nutrients in Colorado, but the nutrient need is heavily dependent on your management practices. Soil testing is a good idea. We will begin feeding turf areas in the next few weeks. A strong early push by your turf helps restrict and choke out the growth of annual weeds.
If you have heavy thatch build-up, or very poor soil, or water retention issues, consider top-dressing the lawn with compost.
Want more tips? Contact us today to set up a no cost, no obligation consultation regarding your lawn, and how we can make it better. You will be glad you did!