It's a question we are asked a lot, do I start from sod, or seed?
Sod is the quick fix, the old standby. If you are trying to create some instant curb appeal, if you have pets, if you don't have automatic sprinklers, or you just aren't super patient, sod is the quickest and most foolproof way to a lawn. With a properly prepared growing area, it will establish quickly. Sod is almost all available as different strains of Kentucky Bluegrass.
If you plan to be in your home a long time, or just want a stronger product, consider going with seed, especially for larger areas.
Seed offers a number of benefits. You have more variety from which to choose, so you can create a lawn of mixed grasses that will generally be stronger than a monocullture lawn. When established properly, a seed lawn will generally root deeper than a sod lawn, making it a little more drought-tolerant.
No matter which you choose, remember that a properly prepared bed, and proper soil fertility and texture will determine the success of your lawn. It is important to get it established, before weeds take hold.
Peak Professional Outdoor Services can help you rejuvenate that ailing lawn, contact us to find out how!